Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Does the Hallmark man exist?

This time of year, Hallmark channel puts out a lot of cutesy romantic, dare I say, "chick flicks". I'm not a huge fan of these movies but when you're home sick and there is nothing else on, you kinda get drawn in. As a single, divorced, mom of a daughter, I wonder if the message they are sending is accurate. Yes, I have been burned badly by my ex-husband but I try not to let that get in the way of any notions of a future Mr. Right. A girl can still dream though. ;) In every Hallmark movie, the man always seems to be perfect. He loves the single mom and her child, he goes out of his way to be a gentleman, He puts the woman above himself. He has a ton of money, He puts his dreams on hold because she is his dream, yada yada yada. It's a nice fantasy and I know the majority of Hallmark's viewers are women, but really? Maybe I'm in the wrong town, the wrong state, but very seldom does a man even hold the door open for me. Scares me to think that in a few years my own daughter will be dating. Boys today.....morals, values..... Here is my question to my readers. Does the Hallmark man exist? Do you know him?

Why are YOU still single?

I have decided to join the single woman's 30 day blogging challenge and my post title is day 1 so I'm a little behind. I'm new to this blogging thing so bare with me and please be kind as we are all walking this journey together however different paths they may be. I am still single for a few reasons. I was burned pretty badly from my ex-husband and it took me a long time to get over him. Even still today, a song might come on that might take me back to a certain moment but I do know I am much better off and am truly loved by those that show me their love instead of professing it. I refuse to settle. I have not been in a relationship for a few years now and I've learned a lot about myself. I know what I need and what I don't need. I know what I will tolerate and what I won't. I know what kind of person my daughter and I need and I know and have faith that he is out there and God is working on both of us until he's ready for us to meet. Another reason I'm still single is because I never go out. The few close friends I have are scattered all over this great state and the only people I've ever left my daughter with are family members and that is a rare occasion. The invitation to venture out has to really be worth my time.

Monday, October 6, 2014

That's called being a single mom?

Do you facebook? I do but have rethought that decision a lot this past week. When I do post, it's usually a quote or a share from someone I follow. Today, I read something that really got under my skin and wanted to share that with you guys. A nameless woman, a girlfriend of a divorced man with children posted copies of her texts between herself and the ex-wife. Apparently, the ex-wife wanted the girlfriend to pick up the kids because she had to work and couldn't find anyone else as the father was also working. The girlfriend, who also has kids, wrote back and said that's called being a single mom, figure it out. That is not what being a single mom is about! Am I wrong here? Why is this acceptable? The father is at work and so is the mom, then why shouldn't the girlfriend who is living with the father and children pick them up? I believe if you're going to play the part of the wife, then you need to play the role of stepmom. I've been a stepmom and loved my stepdaughter as if she were mine. When two people get divorced, it's not always easy. I'll be the first to admit that. My ex-husband pops in and out when it's convenient for him or when he grows a conscience for a little bit. I firmly believe when there is a divorce, you both have to work harder to put the children first. Just because you're divorced, doesn't mean that you shouldn't be able to rely on the father of your children to help and not just when it's his/her turn. This is precisely what the father was saying to the ex-wife and his girlfriend. It wasn't his turn with the children, she'd have to find someone else. When in the world did this become okay? They are still your children and if they need you, you should drop everything and help. Not because it's your week but because they're your children. That doesn't change. I have never understood girls, and yes I'll call them that, that support the kind of man that is only a father on their weekends or not a father at all to their children. I know too many men that are happily supporting their girlfriend's kids while their own children go without.